

15 September, 2019

Marketing Benefits from Certification Programs

Many home certification programs offer excellent resources to help builders market their green and energy-efficient homes to prospective buyers. Check out the latest marketing initiatives and materials available to Northwest builders, including RESNET’s new digital marketing campaign, print-ready materials from NGBS Green, and homeowner testimonials for Zero Energy Ready Homes.

Digital Marketing from RESNET

On August 27th, RESNET announced a new digital marketing campaign to increase Demand for HERS® Rated Homes. In the campaign’s first phase, RESNET released a new consumer-facing website that explains benefits of rated homes and features noteworthy builders. In the second phase, RESNET plans to pilot social media marketing targeted at specific regions, starting with Austin and the DC Metro area. Following the pilot, RESNET may look to expand the campaign to other markets, including the Northwest.

Print-Ready Collateral from NGBS Green

The NGBS program offers collateral that builders can print and display in front of homes during the construction stage and in model homes. Ready-to-go resources mean that builders can point to third-party certifications for additional credibility and differentiation to homebuyers.

Homeowner Testimonials from Zero Energy Ready Home

How better to convince prospective buyers of the value of efficient homes that to share stories of other happy homebuyers? The US Department of Energy’s Zero Energy Ready Home program hosts a list of homeowner testimonials that builders can leverage in their marketing materials.

Learn which certification programs are available in your area and how to tap into their benefits.

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